FussyBusty started the theme “Fit and Active September” earlier this month, and several other bloggers have joined in. I’m a little late to the party as I hurt my shoulder and haven’t been able to focus on my exercise goals as much as I’d like this month, but I wanted to contribute! Last month, Large Continue Reading
The words “geek” and “nerd” have become nearly interchangeable in some circles. To avoid some confusion, I present to you a brief “official” definition of each: A nerd tends to be “a person who is single-minded or accomplished in scientific or technical pursuits but is felt to be socially inept”- i.e. a “book smart”, socially Continue Reading
If you’ve been keeping up with various brand overviews, you might be aware that several brands are just coming out with babydolls for the G+ cup size range. This is super exciting news – I’ve always been rather jealous of all the cute babydoll options that mainstream stores stocked that I could never wear. Now, Continue Reading