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Freya Deco Delight Review

I’ve been wanting to try out Freya’s updated Deco line for some time, so when GetBras offered to send me a Deco Delight set in the Dove colorway to review, I was super excited! Because the Deco line stops at a GG cup, I chose a 28GG rather than my usual bra size of 28H Continue Reading

Urkye Review: Retro Dress

Today’s post features two reviews of Urkye’s new Retro dress – the first by my friend AJ, who tried out both a 38o/oo and 40o/oo in Navy, and the other by me, of 36oo/ooo in Black. Thanks to AJ for sharing her thoughts, and I’d love to hear if anyone else has tried any of Continue Reading

New Year, New Start

Hello, dear readers, First of all, Happy New Year! I hope 2015 is looking bright for everyone so far. I’ll jump right into it: 2014 was something of a difficult year on my end. This may not come as a surprise to many; after all, I only managed to post six – six! – times Continue Reading

The Lingerie Games: Okami

The idea behind The Lingerie Games series began in a recent twitter conversation between Kurvendiskussionen, Undie Gamer, Under the Unders, and Pixel Pants Play. What pieces of lingerie could be associated with our favorite video games, they wondered? Thus The Lingerie Games blog series was born! They were on board with me jumping in, so Continue Reading

Ask, Don’t Tell

Today, I came across a comic that really hit home for me: (Image from InkMurder on tumblr) (Image from InkMurder on tumblr) This jumped out at me because I’ve been there. Personally, I tend to lose weight when I’m experiencing stress and anxiety. This isn’t healthy for me. However, I’ve had people tell me how Continue Reading