While I procrastinate on finishing up a few more interesting posts (they’re in the works, I promise!), I figured I’d post up a short update/plug for the new Bra Band Project Website for your reading leisure.
For those who don’t yet know what the BBP is, here’s the rundown from the site – “This site aims to raise awareness about what properly-fitting bra sizes look like in “real life”, as well as demonstrate the variety of shapes and body types throughout (and within) each size.”
Throughout the past several weeks, we’ve been slowly-but-surely working on lots of small tweaks and updates to the overall site. Here’s the look of the home page today:

We still need to to create a better header (with some integrated images), change the font on the buttons, add buttons for cup sizes in addition to the band sizes, and just make it look a little prettier in general, but it’s getting there.
Also, there’s a new FAQ page up, so feel free to email or comment with any questions of your own!
Besides all the little (and big) tweaks that still need to be done to the site, the main thing that the BBP needs is more submissions! As of today, here’s a look at the entries the project has currently (green cells):
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(It’s come to my attention that I forgot to include AA and below cups on this chart – we would love sub-A cup entries, there just aren’t any up on the site so far!) |
As you can see, 26-30 bands are pretty well covered; what’s really lacking is 34+ band entries, as well as examples specifically of properly-fitting “commonly sold in stores” sizes (generally in the range of 32-38 A-DD). If you wear a size that’s not yet represented on the site (or even if your size is represented – the more examples, the better), consider submitting an entry!
Another resource that needs to be fleshed out is the Regional Stores list on the Resources page. If you know of any great bra stores or boutiques in your area, let us know and we’ll add them!
As always, questions, comments, or suggestions are very welcome. 🙂